1. Lifting4fun

    WRONG!!!!!!! Mourinho did NOT win his fourth league title in four different countries, he won his SEVENTH league title in four different countries and in four of the Top
    leagues of Europe. Mourinho won two leagues with Oporto in Portugal, Two leagues with Chelsea in England, Two leagues with Inter in Italy, and now One with Real Madrid in Spain. Excellent channel, just do a little more homework and it’d be perfect.

  2. Lifting4fun

    The Champions League is the main objective because it reflects our D.N.A. as the greatest soccer club ever. But trust me, this league title is wonderful and very delicious for us.

  3. Lifting4fun

    WRONG!!!!!!! Mourinho did NOT win his fourth league title in four different countries, he won his SEVENTH league title in four different countries and in four of the Top
    leagues of Europe. Mourinho won two leagues with Oporto in Portugal, Two leagues with Chelsea in England, Two leagues with Inter in Italy, and now One with Real Madrid in Spain. Excellent channel, just do a little more homework and it’d be perfect.

  4. StellarSurge

    Finally! those cheating assholes have won nothing important. yes! and their sorry excuse of a manager is quitting. what do you know, Christmas is coming early this year.

  5. acatalan76

    Yeah, nice win. But they can’t deny that this is a minor title, the real deal (for teams with these kind of budgets) is the Champions League. Don’t get me wrong, it is a big one, but if you are Real Madrid or Barcelona, you are shooting for the UCL as the main objective.

  6. juliobello10

    (David letters junior) you are a ass How you compare americano Football with Football(soccer) jusi shut you fat mouth no one wants to read you comments

  7. David Letters Junior

    american football players would deck soccer players hands down, yes they wear gear… so what? lol i would love to see you guys try to run away from them…. btw i love soccer i was being sarcastic in my comment. people on youtube need to chilllllllll

  8. David Letters Junior

    my god, it was sarcasm… people need to chill on youtube… i dont like football at all. why does everyone fight here? are you that bored?

  9. Greenmailerr

    @horuseyes whoa guys any professional sport is extremely taxing on the body. I love soccer too and american football is a very rough sport, certainly not for pussies. people like @David Letters Junior should just be ignored

  10. horuseyes

    Running with an Egg in hands, with an helmet and full protected to avoid real contact it’s not a man’s sport, it’s a Pussy sports!

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